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Guideline for Authors

Select appropriate Journal:

An author wishing to publish an article or manuscript must belong to the same subject as the subject of a particular journal. For example, the journal of cancer accepts articles on cancer and recent advances. Prepare your manuscript ROA allows the publication of all types of manuscripts and adheres to the format of the manuscripts to be published. Authors must follow a few guidelines to ensure that your paper is well written and accepted by researchers and the scientific community.

Aspiring for article submission:

Type of Article Limitations Format of Manuscript
Original (Research) Manuscript Between 3500-5000 words and there is no defined limit on the number of pages, images, and tabular columns. Article Title, Author(s) & affiliations, Corresponding author credentials, Abstract, Keywords, Abbreviations, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Cover Letter, References
Review Manuscript Between 3000-5000 words and there is no defined limit on the number of pages, images, and tabular columns. Article Title, Author(s) & affiliations, Corresponding author credentials, Abstract, Keywords, Abbreviations, Introduction, Sub headings, Conclusion, Cover Letter, References
Mini Review Below 1000-2500 Words and there is no defined limit on the number of pages, images, and tabular columns Article Title, Author(s) & affiliations, Corresponding author credentials, Abstract, Keywords, Abbreviations, Introduction, Sub headings, Conclusion, Cover Letter, References
Case Report Below 1000-2000 Words and there is no defined limit on the number of pages, images, and tabular columns Article title , Author(s) & affiliations, Corresponding author credentials, Abstract, Keywords, Case Presentation, Discussion/Conclusion, Patient Consent form, References
Clinical Image Authors can use up to 3 images and the word limit is 200 words Article title, Author(s) & affiliations, Corresponding author essentials, One short paragraph describing the Image
Rapid Communication Beneath 2500 words and there is no defined limit on the number of pages, images, and tabular columns. Article Title, Author(s) & affiliations, Corresponding author credentials, Abstract, Keywords, Abbreviations, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, References
Perspective Authors should specify the research that is the subject of the research paper and specify the opinion of the author in a maximum of 1000 words. Article title, Author(s) & affiliations, Corresponding author essentials, Text narration, References
Editorial Beneath 1500 words and there is no defined limit on the number of pages, images, and tabular columns. Article title, Author(s) & affiliations, Corresponding author essentials, Text narration, References
Short Communication You should specify the research that is the subject of the research paper and specify the opinion of the author within 1000-1300 words. Article title, Author(s) & affiliations, Corresponding author essentials, Text narration, References

Article Title and Authors Affliations

  • Title of the Article.
  • Author complete names and affiliations.
  • Complete mailing addresses of all authors.
  • Email addresses of corresponding authors.

Affiliation(s): Author Affiliations should be needed as: Department, University, Country, Email.

Eg: Michael KT1, Delbert DS2 and Mickelson KI2*

    1. Department of Cancer, University of Chicago, USA

    2. Department of Cancer, University of Chicago, USA

*Corresponding author: Last Name followed by Initials, Department, University, Complete Postal Address, Country, Contact number, Fax No, and Email ID.

    Eg: Mickelson KI, Department of Cancer, University of Chicago, 172 St George St, Chicago, ON M5R 0A3, USA, Tel: 123-456-7890; Fax: 123-456-7890; Email:


The abstract should have a short and precise title that describes the nature of the research. Abstract must be prepared in 200-250 words, which gives a brief overview of the work done.


Keywords are important tools for indexing and readers to find an article. Keywords increase the chances of getting more citations and more readership for the article. An article can contain at least 5 keywords.


Abbreviations must be separated by semicolons and all abbreviations used in the article must be disclosed.


A brief introduction to the topic should be given, explaining the highlights of the research.

Materials and Methods

Authors agree that the materials described in the manuscript, including full disclosure, will be freely available to researchers and researchers who intend to use it for non-commercial purposes without violating the confidentiality of the participants.

Results and Discussion

The authors might highlight their most important experimental findings in this section, together with any statistical analysis and a determination of the study's significance.


The author is permitted to identify any people or collaborators who helped with the original work's technical aspects directly or indirectly but who did not fit the requirements for authorship in this section. Authors should, out of courtesy, ask permission from the person or collaborators they wish to cite in this section.


All references, including URLs, are numbered consecutively within square brackets in the same order as they appear in the text according to the author-number scheme that we use.

Cover letter

  • The work must be submitted with a required cover letter.
  • Disclosure of any possible conflicts of interest.
  • A statement attesting to the consent of each co-author to submit the article.
  • Confirmation that the manuscript's information hasn't already been published or submitted for publication elsewhere else.
  • Agreements stating that the article has not been published or is not being considered for publish by any other journal.


Figures should only be provided in Tiff, Giff, or JPEG files and should have a resolution of at least 300 dpi. The provided figures must all be compatible with clarity. It should be clear enough for readers of various disciplines to grasp. Avoid using too much colour and superfluous details. The Figures may have up to 800 standard pixels and 1200 high resolution pixels. All submitted figures must be of high resolution or standard resolution quality. Each figure must have a brief legend that is mentioned. Within round brackets, the corresponding Figure numbers must be consecutively referenced in the body of the manuscript.


Small tables should only be used for table presentations. Tables should not be given in figure forms. At the end of the manuscript, under the figures, tables must be presented. Table symbols and abbreviations must be displayed beneath the table.


All authors must have read and accepted the publication's requirements in order to submit an article to the ROA journal. After publication, the manuscript's material will be freely accessible to all possible readers online for non-commercial usage.

Content provided by authors must never infringe copyrights or rights of third parties. The submitted manuscript must not have been published or submitted for publication in any other journal. Manuscripts containing plagiarized content will not be considered in the peer review process.

Patient Consent Form

If the figure / representation of the patient is recognisable, a Patient Consent Form is required.

Guideline for Editors

The editor must decide whether submitted articles fit the scope of the journal or not, after they are usually reviewed by at least four experts and a reviewing editor, here the review comments are well thought out; in any case, the editor's decision remains final, the editor is responsible for making his final decision based on the innovation and quality of the article after the peer review process is completed. Finally, the acceptance or rejection of the article depends on the recommendation of the peer reviewer and the editor.


First, editors must evaluate and disseminate scientific material whether it fits the field of the journal and find out: Whether the research question presented is important, original and well defined, and what are the strengths and weaknesses of the research presented. In general, each editor must review at least two articles per month. The editor continuously improves the standards of the journal through careful peer review. They should communicate with other board members of that journal about the continuous flow of articles, the peer review process, reviewer response deadlines, and the quality of published material. They should have the ability to rewrite scripts that can sometimes be poorly written The author should receive instructions on manuscript preparation, submission, and revised version based on peer review comments. Making editorial decisions at a reasonable pace and communicating them clearly and positively. The editor should guide the editor in a constructive way to obtain quality manuscripts from authors/assistants. The editor can easily make a decision based on the reviewer's detailed and constructive comments that help authors in their improved manuscripts. The editor/reviewer should comment on the article as it is a major revision/minor change/re-evaluation.

Editors / Reviewers and Publication Staff must keep all research information confidential.

Guideline for Reviewers

Reviewers play an important role in publishing. The peer review system is an important process in terms of research quality, scientific validation and publications Manuscript reviewers are essential to the publication process, and as a reviewer you gain valuable experience in scholarly publishing. We invite you to review our magazines.


Reviewers must conceal their identity from the authors at any stage of publication. Reviewers must not be dishonest or biased when reviewing the manuscript. Reviewers must submit an acceptance letter if addressed to them and review the manuscript by the specified deadline to complete the review. The reviewer must notify the editors directly if the manuscript does not meet the journal's guidelines or if the manuscript is not of high quality content. Reviewers can contact the Editor/Editorial directly if there are problems with the manuscript during the review of the article. Articles are assigned based on the reviewer's research interests. They can contact the assigned editor if the script is beyond their abilities. Reviewers should remember that the final decision: acceptance or rejection depends on the editor's comments.

As reviewer you can improve your knowledge of professional standards; and you will quickly earn the respect of your peers. Another potential benefit of being a reviewer is that you are primarily considered a member of the editorial board.